“Sheamus - BROGUE!”
“Christian - Blue Dot”
“Cesaro - The Setup”
“Randy Orton - Godlike”
“Orton lick”
“Daniel Bryan - Goat Yes!”
“Cena - U Can't C Me!”
“Negative shake”
“Alien Stonk”
“Shake n Stare”
“Negative Smallererererer”
“Negative Smallerererer”
“Negative Smallererer”
“Negative Smallerer”
“Negative smaller”
“Negative small”
“Negative poof”
“Neckbeard Excite”
“I Can't C U”
“Tens of Dollars”
“We're Here”
“The Harper”
“Somebody Call My Daddy”
“The Nature Smiley”
“The Mania Point”
“Batista's Butt”
“Pipe Bomb”
“Smiley Cha Cha”
“Happy Bad News”
“Jhon Cena”
“Sympathy Crossface”
“Glomp Suplex”